Welcome to Geneships S.A.

About Us

Our establishment within the international shipping arena traces back to 2010. A creative team with vision, enriched with senior level experience at international shipbroking firms, embarked to develop a client orientated philosophy which would be the stepping stone for all our business conduct. Taking into consideration the ever fluctuating business surroundings, we constantly strive to improvise the needs, requirements and developments within the different shipping markets we engage in. By preserving this approach, an across the board emphasis is placed on our services ranging from conceptual ideas until their actual implementation.


WhatWe Do


Successfully contracted and delivered vessels from globally renown Shipyards: tankers and dry cargo vessels. With expertise in Korea and China, we consult throughout the entire stages of every newbuilding project, from the initial shipbuilding analysis up to the actual launching and delivery.

Financial Structures & Consultancy

Advisory and deal making record via extensive work with international ship finance banks. Loan facilitation & restructuring, insolvencies and private treaty sales form part of our core services.  

Sale & Purchase

Extensive experience and substantial track record on the field. Innovate and assist with tailor made solutions reflecting a vast range of sale and purchase requirements

Tanker Chartering

Having strong ties with major Charterers and Operators, we concentrate on long TC and BBC employment from chemical tankers up to VLCCs. Particular focus is also placed on the stainless steel chemical tanker sector, especially on sizes 12k - 20k dwt.


Established relations with all major demolition yards and cash buyers around the globe. Environmental friendly and lawful ship breaking practices is a priority.

Dry Cargo Chartering

Spot and time charter business via a wide network of ship owners, charterers and traders. Voyage fixtures are concentrated on sizes up to Ultramax bulkers while operating period fixtures from Handysize up to Capesize bulkers.

We drive conceptual ideas until their actual implementation.


Alex J. Matis
Managing Director

  +30 695 9994 398

Thanos S. Dragoumanos

 +30 693 6755 200

Michaelangelo C. Argyropoulos

  +30 697 8872 636

Maria Ximitidou
Manager – Operation & Legal Dept.

  +30 6951114030

Dimitrios S. Kriempardis
Shipping Projects – Finance

  +30 6972661075

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